Include a Dynamic Coupon in Your Newsletter for More Effective Email Campaigns

by Florina Coca Marketing
Dynamic Coupon Email Newsletter Campaigns

Did you know that 3 out of 4 people prefer receiving a newsletter with a discount coupon over standard emails? If you’re not yet using personalized coupons in your email campaigns, it’s time to start to offer measurable benefits to your subscribers.

While commercial emails with promotional products have a significant impact, receiving an exclusive discount quickly influences purchase decisions. Studies show that once a coupon is received, 30% of people use it the next day, and 82% within a week.

But what if you could send an individual discount code to each subscriber, instead of the same one to everyone? This would mean a much-improved shopping experience. We have good news! You can now do this with the new dynamic coupon feature in the NewsMAN email marketing platform.

Create a series of discount codes in your eCommerce platform, import them into NewsMAN as part of the dynamic coupon, and automate the entire process.

Discover in this article the origin of the coupon, its impact on consumers, and how you can use it in your newsletters, automated emails, and subscription forms.

In this article, discover the origin of the coupon, its impact on consumers, and how you can use it in your newsletters, automated emails, and subscription forms.

Since the appearance of the coupon until today

Did you know that despite Coca-Cola‘s spectacular launch in 1886, the brand only managed to sell nine bottles per day during its first year? Even with a powerful slogan and extensive newspaper advertising, sales were disappointing. However, a year later, the introduction of printed coupons changed everything. g. Consumers were thrilled to receive vouchers to try a glass of Coca-Cola for free. This innovative coupon marketing strategy proved to be a success.

Image source:

Meanwhile, digitization has changed consumer behavior, but the idea of receiving a benefit before purchase remains the same. Thus, 75% of people prefer emails containing discounts and offers.

To succeed in the competitive e-commerce landscape of 2024, it’s necessary to optimize coupon visibility and distribution to reach customers at the right time.

One of the simplest and most effective methods to send coupons to a wide audience is email marketing. Here’s how you can include dynamic coupons with personalized discount codes in your email marketing campaigns.

Dynamic Discount Coupons in Email Campaigns

Research shows that emails containing coupons stand out for their superior performance:

  • 14% higher open rate;
  • 34% higher unique click rate;
  • 27% higher conversion rate (completed transactions);
  • 48% revenue increase per email sent.

Compared to regular newsletters, which may have appealing commercial language, integrating coupons with discount codes in your email marketing strategy is essential for more effective campaigns with better results.

Here’s how to add dynamic coupons in the NewsMAN email marketing platform.

Steps to Add a Dynamic Coupon and Discount Codes in NewsMAN

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the first step is to create a series of promotional codes for the dynamic coupon in your site’s eCommerce platform. For example, you can create coupons with percentage discounts, fixed values, or free shipping offers.

Once created, you can import them into the NewsMAN email marketing platform via a .csv file or through the API, using a webhook URL.

Next, you need to add a dynamic coupon with discount codes to your NewsMAN account. There are few simple steps:

  1. In the E-Commerce > Coupons section, click ‘Add a coupon’ and fill in the name, type (import or API), expiration date, and notification preferences when codes fall below a certain number.
  2. Add the coupon, then click on the import link to import the associated discount codes.
  3. In the newsletter editor, drag an empty row, then the Coupon icon and select the coupon.

Adding a dynamic coupon to an automated email:

adding dynamic coupon automated email

Next, simply select the dynamic coupon from the list.

Select the dynamic coupon in the newsletter editor

choose dynamic coupon email newsletter

If you set up an email marketing automation, the discount codes for the coupon will be sent to subscribers individually.

Ways to Use Coupons in Email Marketing

You can use dynamic coupons with discount code series in several ways on the NewsMAN email marketing platform, including newsletters, automated emails, and subscription forms.

Example of a Welcome Email with a Dynamic Coupon

welcome email with dynamic coupon discount

For example, in embedded forms, pop-ups, or landing pages, you can include the coupon on the success page after subscription confirmation or in the welcome email sent after registration. 

In the Wheel of Fortune form, you can also assign a corresponding coupon to each section of the wheel.

dynamic discount coupon wheel of fortune subscribe form.

Here are some ideas for email campaigns with discount coupons:

StrategyEmail Campaign Coupon Ideas
Welcome BenefitsSend a warm welcome email to new subscribers, offering them a discount coupon as a token of appreciation for joining your community.
Sign-Up IncentiveEncourage website visitors to subscribe to the newsletter by providing them with a discount coupon upon subscription. You can integrate this offer into signup forms or pop-ups.
Birthday CelebrationsCelebrate loyal customers by sending them a personalized email with a birthday discount coupon, showing appreciation for their loyalty.
Abandoned Cart RescueSend a compelling email to customers who abandoned their carts, enticing them to complete the purchase by offering a discount coupon.
Personalized PromotionsTailor your email campaigns by sending personalized offers and discount coupons based on each subscriber’s preferences and interests.
Seasonal SpecialsTake advantage of holidays and special events to offer exclusive discounts and promotions through personalized coupons, capturing customers’ attention during these occasions.
Feedback AppreciationShow gratitude to customers who provide feedback by offering them a discount coupon for completing satisfaction surveys or writing product reviews.
Referral RewardsIncentivize customers to refer your products to their friends by rewarding them with a discount coupon for each successful referral.
Win Back Inactive CustomersRe-engage customers who haven’t made recent purchases by sending them targeted emails with enticing discount coupons, encouraging them to rediscover your products.
Loyalty RecognitionAcknowledge and reward loyal customers with a discount coupon for their continued support and repeated purchases on your website.

Create an email campaign with a discount for subscribers

Generate a dynamic discount coupon for your subscribers, add it to NewsMAN, upload the list of discount codes, and apply it within subscription forms, automated email campaigns, or newsletters.

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